Jurassic World Alive Wiki
See also: Equipment

If a creature is close enough on the map, a player will be able to send out their Drone to obtain DNA from it.

DNA is obtained from creatures in the game using darts.

Firing a dart is carried out by tapping and holding on the screen to start the aiming process, aiming at the creature in question and then releasing the screen to fire the dart. The drone is very sensitive to movement. Practice will be required to collect sufficient DNA to level the creature or fuse is hybrid. The closer to the creature is to the center of the circle the more time is available to aim darts.

If the outer target circle of the creature is hit, a small amount of DNA will be obtained. The closer the hit is to the middle of the circle, the more DNA obtained.

If the middle circle of the target is hit, a bonus amount of DNA will be obtained from a "Direct Hit".

The amount of DNA acquired per hit is also partially determined by the player's level where the higher the level, the more DNA acquired per hit. A Direct Hit on Commons scores 10 plus player level (11 at level 1, 30 at level 20). The amount of DNA acquired is reduced by 4 for direct hits on Rares, 5 for direct hits on Epics, 7 for direct hits on Legendaries, and 9 for direct hits on Uniques. The Direct Hit circle also gets smaller and the creatures' evasive movements get more complex in general.

Free to Play (FTP) Players have time to fire a maximum of 12 darts per encounter before time runs out. VIP Players get more time per encounter to dart the target creature, so they have time to fire a maximum of 15 darts before time runs out. The following table shows the maxumum amount of DNA possible for both FTP and VIP per encounter based on DNA per direct hit per level and the maximum number of direct hits that are possible.

Maxumim DNA Possible Per Encounter for VIP and FTP (Free to Play) Players























1 132 165 84 105 72 90 48 60 14 30
2 144 180 96 120 84 105 60 75 36 45
3 156 195 108 135 96 120 72 90 48 60
4 168 210 120 150 108 135 84 105 60 75
5 180 225 132 165 120 150 96 120 72 90
6 192 240 144 180 132 165 108 135 84 105
7 204 255 156 195 144 180 120 150 96 120
8 216 270 168 210 156 195 132 165 108 135
9 228 285 180 225 168 210 144 180 120 150
10 240 300 192 240 180 225 156 195 132 165
11 252 315 204 255 192 240 168 210 144 180
12 264 330 216 270 204 255 180 225 156 195
13 276 345 228 285 216 270 192 240 168 210
14 288 360 240 300 228 285 204 255 180 225
15 300 375 252 315 240 300 216 270 192 240
16 312 390 264 330 252 315 228 285 204 255
17 324 405 276 345 264 330 240 300 216 270
18 336 420 288 360 276 345 252 315 228 285
19 348 435 300 375 288 360 264 330 240 300
20 360 450 312 390 300 375 276 345 252 315